Wednesday 6 November 2019

Blucher Rides Again

(The French centre trades cannonades with Austrian and Russian batteries.)

It has been a long time between posts.

(The Russian centre fires but makes no form of advance. Such decisive indecision enable the Austrians to be isolated and destroyed.)

This hasn't meant a halt to gaming or painting but instead just not having time to blog.

(The brave but doomed Austrian were nibbled away by French skirmish fire. Goaded to charge they were repulsed along the line then the skirmish fire renewed.)

This Tuesday a four player game of Blucher erupted. We kept things to 200 pts as it was a weeknight and all must work the next day.

(The French right hook. A mixed force of infantry, artillery and a light horse unit would pummel the Austrians before them.)

I ran my beloved Frenchmen while an evil duo combined Austrian and Russian forces against.

(The French centre held firm, ready to respond to an Russian push ... which didn't arrive in time.) 

The game was can be summed up with the following ... a massive right hook smashed the allies.

(Hmm ... Graf von Panther in danger? Who's for another glass of red?) 

Six units were lost while no French units succumbed to their injuries and/or fatigue.

(Forward!!! Ah, my beloved chasseurs.)

In looking back I would say the Allies simply took too long to respond to the avalanche descending on their left wing. This enabled it to be repeatedly hammered unit units were removed.

(These men would soon be running for Vienna. In their defence they were freshly painted and in their first game ... and we all know how that works out - don't we wargamers!)

Blucher is easily my favourite Napoleonic rule set but I do need to figure out how objective markers (NOT special objective markers) are used to achieve victory. They don't seem to play too much of a role. Time to check forums (as much as I hate that activity) or house rule.

(The centre of both sides held off allowing the Allied left to be engulfed. The alliance might be endangered after this.) 

Will post some images of my steadily growing Prussian army soon.

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