The third battle in the War for Maria's Mirkin saw the bellicose French striving to stave off a Prussian thrust across the Rhine. Unfortunately, things did not go the way of the Gauls and the Prussians have tipped the scales of the war to the favour of Protestant powers. It has even been rumoured that Versailles has lost the taste for war!
The defenders line up. Attacker is still choosing a spot for his cavalry.
And off they go ... A french infantry push begins.
A seemingly sensible French infantry formation. 1st line and reserve.
On a rain soaked day it was the French that were the aggressors and massed for an attack in depth against the Prussian left flank. At this the Prussians were slightly relieved as here were their better troops. The other flank was held by conscripts who played no role in the battle. The French used their usual tactic of marching quickly and directly into contact. Cavalry met on the flank and infantry were not long after committed. The French created two local points of advantage where two of their units fired on and fought against a single Prussian unit. The Prussians clung doggedly to their defensive line which infested village strongpoints but could rely on no reserve force. The French on the other hand possessed what seemed to be a strong reserve of infantry awaiting in column formation to be injected into the fray.
French dragoons fight Prussian cuirassiers.
Can the Seydlitz hussars hold on against the French infantry?
The cavalry lines continue to surge back and forth.
The French reserve awaits the order to advance.
The French advance continues ...
The Prussians are ready.
Close in fighting. These two images show the local advantages gained by the French. These were not to count as somehow the Prussians not only held but overcome their foes.
Despite these apparent advantages the Prussians earned their reputation as the 'blue wall.' The Prussian fusiliers loaded and fired with precision, seemingly unaffected by the wet conditions, mowing down the French attackers. The Gallic marshal was heard to bemoan, "Ils re mort pour moi," as he turned his steed toward Metz and retreated with the last of his troops.
From here the game was suddenly over with the cameraman unable to secure images of the French line's collapse. How did it all go wrong? Maybe someone did not keep their powder dry?
As the smoke cleared and the rain continued to fall, the colours of seven French regiments had been taken while only one Prussian unit had routed. (French = 1 Epic Point - Prussia = 5 Epic Points)
The cut and thrust of the battlefield may well subside as the discourse of ambassadors takes precedence. Or will Austria make a last ditch sortie into Hanover and cut the Protestant supply lines thus forcing the Prussians to retreat? Time will tell.
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